డాట్ నెట్ ఉపయోగించి మెయిల్ పంపించాలంటే మీరు చేయాల్సింది .
1.Add the following code to web.config file
<add key="SMTPServer" value="mail.mailserver.com"/>
<add key="SMTPServerUID" value="test@mailserver.com"/>
<add key="SMTPServerPWD" value="passwordtest"/>
<add key="SMTPServerPORT" value="25"/>
<smtp from="test@mailserver.com">
<network host="mail.mailserver.com" password="passwordtest" userName="test@mailserver.com"/>
2.Add the following method to where you required in .cs పేజిpublic void SendMail()
MailMessage objMail = new MailMessage();
objMail.From = new MailAddress("v_cherukuri@redsalsa.com", "Cherukuri Articles");
if (txtRecipient.Text.Trim() != "")
objMail.Subject = "Article :: ";
objMail.Body = "Hi";
1 comment:
this is artice is very useful
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